jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010

A Boy Named Hook

This is an illustration I've made for the 16th Issue of Crow Toes Quarterly, a playfully dark arts and literature e-zine and limited-edition print magazine for children ages nine and up.
It is for a story called "A Boy Named Hook", magnificently written by D.M. Cunningham.

You should have a look at this great magazine and if you want to get the new issue, go to http://www.crowtoesquarterly.com/Pages/16.html

Hope you like it!
And... happy new year for everyone!


Realicé esta ilustración para el 16º número de Crow Toes Quarterly, una revista llena de terroríficas y divertidas historias rodeadas de arte.
Es para el cuento "A Boy Named Hook", magníficamente escrito por D.M. Cunningham.

Si os interesa, echadle un ojo a la revista y obtener el nuevo número, visitad http://www.crowtoesquarterly.com/Pages/16.html

Espero que os guste!
Y... feliz año nuevo a todos!

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